re from (show them where you’

admin 2024-03-04 阅读:42 评论:0
      2014巴西世界杯主题曲we are one歌词介绍如下:   2014巴西世界杯主题曲:we are one   You’ve got keep going   One lov...

      2014巴西世界杯主题曲we are one歌词介绍如下:

  2014巴西世界杯主题曲:we are one

  You’ve got keep going

  One love, one life, one world

  One fight, whole world, one night, one place

  Brazil, everybody put your flags in the sky and do what you feel

  It’s your world, my world, our world today

  And we invite the whole world, whole world to play

  It’s your world, my world, our world today

  And we invite the whole world, whole world to play

  Es mi mundo, tu mundo, el mundo de nosotros

  Invitamos a todo el mundo a jugar con nosotros

  Put your flags up in the sky

  (Put them in the sky)And wave them side to side (side to side)

  Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

  Show the world we are one (one love, life)

  Put your flags up in the sky (Put them in the sky)

  And wave them side to side (side to side)

  Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

  Show the world we are one (one love, life)

  Oe oe oe oh la

  Oe oe oe oh la

  Oe oe oe oh la

  Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky)

  And wave them side to side (side to side)

  Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

  Show the world we are one (one love, life)

  Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky)

  And wave them side to side (side to side)

  Show the world where you’re from (show them where you’re from)

  Show the world we are one (one love, life)

  Oe oe oe oh la

  Oe oe oe oh la

  Oe oe oe oh la

re from (show them where you’

re from (show them where you’





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